I am a former youth pastor and a current trauma-informed counselor. I hold a Master's degree in Clinical Social Work, with a specialization in adolescent development. In addition to this, I obtained a degree in Advanced Biblical Training and Leadership.

Eight years ago, I felt the first nudge of what would become Reimagine Youth Ministry. At the time, I was a youth pastor and loved every moment of it. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a gap between a teen's formation in Christ and their development.

I knew how to pray for students, lead small groups, run events, and preach, but I didn't understand how teens developed on a neurological and biological level. I continually asked the question “How is there no resource for understanding the development of teens as it relates to their formation in Christ?”

*Spoiler alert* I decided to go back to school to gain the education needed to create that resource that I was looking for…. & that nudge from eight years ago? It is in full motion!

I get the privilege of meeting youth pastors and parents from around the country teaching them how Christ has uniquely shaped teens while providing them with practical strategies and solutions for their youth ministries and homes.

When I am not drinking tea and looking at future projects on Pinterest you can find me sitting on the beach for hours at a time eating ice cream with brownie chunks swirled inside.

I am a self-proclaimed brownie connoisseur and believe the best brownies should have melted fudge in the middle with a sprinkle of walnuts on top (duh). You will rarely find me without a plastic container full of crazy string, glitter, paint, clay, or mini pinatas~ I know, I know… it’s a minor problem! You will either find me creating big messes (apologies to my friends + co-workers), or thinking of future messy projects to unveil at a moment’s notice.